3-in-1 gel to complete the body sculpture program
Rejuvenating scrub that helps get rid of water retention and cellulite
3-in-1 gel to complete the body sculpture program
Rejuvenating scrub that helps get rid of water retention and cellulite
HOWEVER….Normal weight loss will help
CELLU-RETIC will assist as a rapid and quick solution
Active concentrated ingredients, mixed with aroma therapy oils penetrates the skin to work on the problem areas
It assists in leaving the skin radiant, with a tingling sensation as well as healthy glow
A special diet with fresh celery, water melon and lots of water will speed up the results
Limit (or even better – eliminate_ alcohol and caffeine intake
A build-up of waste materials in the body tissues, creating various pockets of water, fat, impurities and encouraging the formation of “Sludge” in the blood leading to circulation problems
Swelling of body parts occur when water leaks from the blood and accumulate in the tissues
Puffiness of the feet and ankles is the most common sign of water retention
Oedema = the medical term for this condition
Mild water retention, with swollen ankles and a general bloated feeling occurs when circulation is slow
This can happen after a long period of sitting or standing in the same position
The circulation may also be affected because of varicose veins or even the tight elastic top of socks or underwear
Women who suffer from premenstrual tension/stress (PMS), may notice weight gain, puffy ankles and swollen/sensitive breast during the week or so before a period begins
Apply daily on the problem areas, directly after a bath or shower
Massage into your thighs, abdomen, buttocks, ankles, under the arms and chin.
Massage with long firm strokes from your hands upwards to you underarms as well as from your feet upwards to you hips
This aids the lymphatic drainage.
If possible – lie down for twenty minutes with your feet raised above the level of your buttocks and your hands above shoulder level
The skin can ONLY absorb a limited amount = DO NOT use too much at a time
Use daily for maximum results
Aroma therapy oils
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